
The Company M/s. LOGIC INFOTECH LIMITED was originally incorporated as Upavan Industrial Complex Private Limited on 24th day January 1985 under the Companies Act, 1956. The company was converted into a Public Limited Company Under Section 44 (2)(b) of the Companies Act, 1956, on the 30th day of January 1989. The name of the said company was changed to Logic Infotech Limited on 25th November, 1999 under section 23(1) of the said Act.

The Company is managed by competent and professionally managed Board of Directors.

From her window she looked out toward it, so wonderful, so superb, so exquisite, weird and beautiful. Exactly, she told herself, like a big, black smudge.

Board of Directors

Company Secretary

Registered Office Address

205, Haribol Roy Market,
2nd Floor, A.T.Road
Guwahati - 781 001

Corporate Office Address

21/7, Sahapur Colony,
Ground Floor,
Kolkata – 700 053
Email ID: lil_logic90@hotmail.com

Registrar & Share Transfer Agent

ABS Consultant Pvt. Ltd.
"Stephen House" 6th Floor ,
Room No. 99, 4, B.B.D.Bag (East),
Kolkata – 700 001
Email id : absconsultant@vsnl.net