The Company has already implemented a Code of Conduct for all Board Members and Senior Managements of the company in compliance with Clause 49 (1) of the Listing Agreement. But, since the operations of the Company were not much, the application of the code of conduct was limited to that extent.

Management Discussion And Analysis Overall review, industry Structure and Developments

The Scenario and situation is compounding by factor like political instability and emergence of low cast for out sourcing business. It is excepted that growth will come mostly in organic way.

Opportunities and Threat

Our Company, with its diversified portfolio of investments and trading strategy with available liquid funds was particularly well placed to benefits on improvement in the sentiment in market.

Out Look

The Company has earned net profit of Rs. 1,96,138/- for the year 2013-2014 as compared to a net Loss of Rs. (42,402/-) in the previous year 2012-13. The company's has made profit in the year under consideration basically due to volatile market.

Internal control System

The Company has an adequate system of internal control, which assures us of maintaining proper accounting records and reliability of financial information. The Company ensures adherence to all internal control policies and procedures as well as compliances with regulatory guidelines.

Human relations

The Company has a team of able and experienced industry professionals. There is in place a well defined in – house raining program for its employees. Since the Company is not having manufacturing activities, hence the HRD was not formed.


Particulars 31-03-2014 31-03-2013
Total Income 1,73,88,526.75 2,19,60,426.47
Total Expenditure 1,76,33,635.00 2,19,43,856.23
Profit (Loss) before Tax 2,45,108.25 (16,570.24)
Current Tax Expense for the Current Year 48,970.00 25,832.00